CCIE Switch Issues
Even though a network CCIE Switch is generally a simple piece of hardware to work with, problems can arise. This article will offer some suggestions for those who are trying to get their network to run more effectively. CCIE LABs Switches come with some handy troubleshooting tools. Some of the handiest tools are status lights.
Status lights -CCIE Switches usually have at least two different types of status lights on. One light tells which Ethernet ports on the CCIE Switch are being used and the other light tells if the CCIE Switch has power to it. A quick glance at those lights should be the first part of troubleshooting your network.
If Status Lights Aren’t Accessible – Perhaps access to status lights isn’t possible or you just want to quickly check the network status between two computers. To see if two computers on your network are connecting properly you can use the ping test. I will be using the windows operating system as an example when describing this test. The Mac and Linux operating systems commands are the same, but getting to the ping command may be a bit different.
Go to Start -Accessories and open the Command Prompt (or press the keystrokes windows+r and type in “cmd” then press the enter key). Once in command prompt type “ipconfig” and press enter. Scroll up and look for the IP address which may be called IPv4 and has 4 sets of numbers separated by periods such as Find the IP address for both of the computers you want to test. If you get back all zeros then your network adapter is not setup properly.
Next, ping one computer from the other to test the network status. In Command Prompt type in “ping [IP address such as]”. If you do not get a response then usually you have a hardware issue. If there is an issue, you can narrow down its source by pinging each computer’s own ip address.
File Sharing – perhaps the most common problem of a network is how to share your files with other computers on your network. How to share files varies by operating system so it’s best to look up a guide on how to do it. It can be a bit complicated to get things working, especially with other operating systems, another reason to go to a more in depth guide than can be included here.
Internet Sharing – the easy way to share the internet with users on the network is to purchase a router. The more difficult way is to add a second network adapter to a computer and have the internet connected to one Ethernet port on that computer and the local network connected to the second Ethernet port. You can then use software to bridge and share the internet connection.
Other Issues -the max cable length of an Ethernet cable is 328 feet. The CCIE Written Exams Switch usually requires you to connect the Ethernet cord from the router to the uplink Ethernet port on the CCIE Switch if you will be connecting a CCIE Switch to a router. When connecting it to the router, it doesn’t matter which Ethernet port you plug the cable into.