A Cisco CCNA online training course allows the busy IT professional to prepare for the CCNA exam in a flexible, cost effective manner. The exams required for CCNA certification are either exam 640-802 CCNA or exams 640-822 ICND1 and 640-816 ICND2. Preparation for these exams includes Interconnecting Cisco Network Devices (ICND1) Part 1 and Interconnecting Cisco Network Devices (ICND2) Part 2. Careful preparation is critical, as is hands-on experience with Cisco devices. For this reason, we designed our online CCNA certification training courses to include hands-on training. Online meets real world in our CCNA online learning.

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Our CCNA training course is comprised of our CCNA online training videos and online CCNA virtual labs. Each lab includes a Cisco CCNA lab guide that takes you through the lab exercises, showing you exactly what you need to do. This is different from other online courses in that you are learning by doing, not only by just watching the videos. An added feature of our Cisco ccna practice exam training online is our live Cisco network. Schedule an appointment 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and you have access to live Cisco switches and routers remotely. Here you are not working with a simulated environment or with an emulator; you are actually working on real Cisco equipment. No longer is there a need for you to buy expensive networking equipment or risk harming a production network by making a mistake. Everything you need is available via the internet. Of course, our CCNA training video course is not complete without our online videos. Progress as quickly, or as slowly, as you like through the CCNA online tutorial; you are in total control of the pace and schedule. Having the videos and labs online means that any place you have an internet connection can become your classroom.
Cisco online training makes sense for the busy IT professional who is trying to prepare for their CCNA certification. By having the course materials online, we give you the flexibility to study when you want, where you want, and how you want. Since our online coursework also provides you with access to a live Cisco network, it is clear that online training is a perfect solution. Try our ccna exam fees online training course and see how effective online training can be.