As the world is running so fast the integrity of IT certification is very important to everyone. IT, as an industry and a profession, is largely growing with immense speed.

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Certifications cannot be achieved before passing some particular standards. Certifications are required to make oneself more practical or experience. The qualifications a person must have in order to earn a certification are a combination of hands-on experience, skills and subject matter knowledge. Such qualifications can vary widely from one certification candidate to another and they are difficult to assess accurately. In an ideal world, a certifying agency would use a practical hands-on methodology to test an individual’s knowledge and skills. Because this is cost prohibitive and logistically challenging in most cases, agencies use standardized examinations to assess candidates’ qualifications. When the legitimacy of the test process is compromised for example, when people can openly find the exams posted word for word on the Internet the value of certification is diminished. If certification were to ever completely lose its value, the IT profession in general would suffer.
So networking based certification is a basic need now days for becoming a network engineer. Networking has always been a priority job. Installation of a LAN, WAN and internet Connectivity with changing architectures that brought about file server, printer server has highlighted the need of networking professionals. Networking certifications from CompTIA, Cisco, Microsoft, Novell and other companies have sought to bring professionalism into the installation and configuration of their products. Security has become an important part of networking and network security certifications have also become incorporated into the network certifications. Certification gives better pay but look at your ability to complete the learning to get the certification. You may be spending more and may not even get certified. Certification holders must actually perform to be an asset to the company. This increases his credential.