Number of questions: 60
Number of questions to pass: 41
Time allowed: 90 mins
Status: Live
OpenPages Overview
15% Identify what OpenPages does
Decsribe the technology stack overview
Describe how to extend OpenPages
Describe the OpenPages user interface
Data Model
19% Describe the data model rules
Describe the Business Entity structure
Describe Core Data Model Spine
Describe how to manage objects and associations
Describe the metadata configuration
Security Model
15% Identify roles and roles-based security models
Demonstrate knowledge of Security Access Control Permissions
Identify security domains
Describe role assignements and how to assign access for users
Identify user and group configurations
Profile Configuration
13% Describe field behavior
Describe views
OpenPages GRC Features and Functions
23% Describe triggers
Identify UI extensions/helpers/utilitis (JSPs)
Describe computed fields and reporting fragments
Demonstrate knowledge of the OpenPages workflow
Describe import/export methods
OpenPages Implementation Process
15% Describe implementation stages
Describe technical delivery output
Describe environment migration
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